Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Execution of Project 1

I intend to make an adaptation of the events that took place at Kent State University on May 4th 1970. This event was captured musically by the classic rock group Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. The song "Ohio" was written, recorded, and released in only 4 days. The song embodies the tragic events that resulted in the shooting death of 4 students.
I plan to transform the lyrics of the song "Ohio" into a multimedia writting. I do not want to give away the specifics of my adaptation but it will be a strong visual that will be wrapped with lyrics of the song. I want my audience to understand its meaning at a quick glance and then drive deeper into the visual elements that I will select. This is a moment in history that should never be forgotten and I want to capture it.


Dan said...

This sounds like a fantastic Idea and I am interested into how you are going to mesh the visuals of the music along with the image you will try and present. Will it be a static image? Or one with movement and sound? If it's one with movement and sound then I applaud the skills that you have as at this point that work would be beyond me.

Genevieve's Links: said...

It seems that you understand the project very well. I like your idea's for the first project. Since you have everything laid out well, I am not going to suggest anything.

Terri said...

I think this is a very good idea for your project. The only suggestion I could add would be to try to find pictures/images that are more rare, not the same ones that are always linked to the incident. Even if you don't do that i think it can still be an outstanding project and I look forward to seeing it.