Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Project 2 afterthoughts

After putting over fifteen hours into this project I have no problem saying that I really love it. Please do not mistake labor for discomfort, the whole creative process was a joy. Yes, there were times when I struggled with technology but I really feel like I achieved what I was going for. At this point I really don't see myself changing anything and this is very unusual of myself because I am my own hardest critic. For anyone who is about to view "The Mellifluous Morning After" please be advised that it may be a little "overt" at times. But......ENJOY!


vphillip said...

I enjoyed your project...very funny!! Looks good, and looks like a lot of work.

Sandy Baldwin said...

Nate, great looking project! I'm glad that you found Young Hae Chang inspiring. Later in Oct I'm off to a workshop they're offering at Brown Univ. I'll let you know what it's like. The music is Thievery Corp? Ah yes, I see at the end credits. Very cool. It does have the kind of burning free associative movement of a morning after... It's fun and funny ("liquid love juice"?). One thought: the positioning of the words doesn't always feel smooth. It's fine for this, but you might think about where they're positioned from screen to screen. I mean, look at YHC's Dakota. The words are positioned in different places on the screen, but there's still a sense of the center of the space, of the use of the space... Well, good work!