Monday, October 6, 2008

Post 5 Description

With this post, I am using a song I wrote over three years ago titled "Naked" to be algorhythmically processed. I chose this piece because of its almost cyclical nature where it follows a very predictable and repeatable pattern. The song is about trying to find love in society, or something along those lines (it is sometimes hard to recall the meaning of the song when I write it). I decided to use "The Shannonizer" to process this text in the "God" tone of voice because the lyrics of the song almost give the listener a biblical type feeling when they hear it. After the text was processed I was extremely intruiged as to how it was cut-up. I really thing the "God" tone of voice scrambled the text in a way that was almost as if the song was a bible verse. Overall, I am really happy with how this text was processed and I'll probably spend the next hour or so putting all of my songs through this machine. You can hear the song for yourself at Once again, the song is titled Naked and the original lyrics are as follows:

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Well I don't subscribe to that magazine.
You view me with eyes a little colder.
As if I was made by some damn machine.

Things have just begun.
Two hearts now beat as one.
And I dont know if I can make it in a world where I feel naked.

Why do people act the way they do.
I don't have an answer to that charge.
Is there an anotomoical solution for me and you.
Because now you're the woman at large.

Things have just begun.
Two hearts now beat as one.
And I don't know if I can make it in a world where I feel naked.

copyright Nate Maruso

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